Assessing SDAPP Submissions

What are the Decision Guidelines?

The below external resources have been provided to support the review of SDAPP applications.

Example SDAPP checklist - residential 

This example was provided by Knox Council.  This document is provided to applicants and used by planners check that SDA reports have been completed correctly.


Example SDA report template - small residential

Example SDA report template - small non-residential

These documents can be provided to applicants to help them produce an SDA cover report for their BESS, First Rate 5 and Stormwater Tool printouts.


VCAT Advisory Committee and Panel Report
This was a VCAT full Ministerial Panel that considered the Environmentally Sustainable Design Local Policies for approval.  The report's Summary of findings and recommendation are included in the above link.  If you are very keen to understand all the planning issues related to applying ESD you can read the full report here (optional!)


Course Guide and Workbook

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